Description: Provides students with short, practical exercises to refresh their knowledge of the Cardiac First Response skills. 

  • A review of CPR and use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) safety measures
  • A review of indications for AED use
  • A review of indications for aspirin administration
  • A review of any learning points arising from the group's experiences of CPR and AED use, aspirin administration and interaction with cardiac patients.

This course is essential for Cardiac Fist Responders who are qualified two years (or less as desired) to keep their skills sharp and their qualification current.

Ideal course for parents, workers and people involved in sports.

Duration: 2-3 Hours

Max Number of Students: Six

Certification: Certificate issued by the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) and valid for 2 years will be issued to each successful student.

Cost: €50 per person - Group discounts available, please call.

For further information or any queries, contact our office on 01-621 6363 or click here to email us